2020-01-17 17:16:05 来源:

Rappaport is the founder of Atlanta-based RJR Props, a movie prop company that specializes in faux cash for filming. His money was used in "The Wolf of Wall Street," "The Fast and the Furious," the Netflix series "Ozark" and in 50 Cent and Kendrick Lamar music videos. But printing money is a delicate business, which is why he stays in touch with the men in black.
拉帕波特是亚特兰大RJR Props公司的创始人,这家公司专门为电影拍摄提供道具钞票,他们制造的道具钞票曾出现在电影《华尔街之狼》、《速度与激情》、Netflix连续剧《黑钱胜地》、歌手肯德里克·拉马尔的《50美分》和其他音乐录像带中。但是,制作道具钞票是一门需要非常小心处理的生意, 它和违法犯罪只有一线之隔。

"I wanted clarity about laws and regulations. Most other companies that make prop money are actually producing illegal prop money, and that can get a show shut down and someone fined and jailed."
Too good to be fake
技术太好 过于真实
Technically, fake money in the US should adhere to strict federal rules, which include being printed on one side only and being significantly larger or smaller than actual currency. But not everyone is on board with the rules, and incidents do happen.
In 2001, during the filming of "Rush Hour 2" in Las Vegas, about $1 billion in convincing prop money was blown up during a scene, but some bills escaped destruction and ended up in circulation. That's when the Secret Service got involved. The event set a precedent for prop money makers.
Rappaport said he speaks directly with the government to comply with federal rules while finding ways to create the best possible fake dollars.
"Our standard grade prop money is printed on both sides, but has an optical illusion built into it. It looks realistic at an arm's length, but when you start bringing it closer, it actually changes over and it reveals itself as fake." The trick, he said, is to make it look real on camera but fake if somebody tries to spend it at a store.
We also have a high grade type, better known as close up money. That's the one you use for a close-up scene, or if somebody is counting money and putting it in someone else's hands. That looks fantastic. But since it looks so real, we can print it on one side only."
I’m a Not Real
To comply with federal laws, reproduction money cannot be made by modifying the design of actual money, so RJR Props have created their own design.
法律规定,不得修改真钞的设计以作商业用途。因此,RJR 道具公司进行了自主设计。
"We start from scratch. We start with blank paper. We get a paper that looks incredible. Some of our paper has a color change as you move across: pink-yellow-pink or green-yellow-green. We're the only company in the world that does this because it's very expensive, but we want our money to look right," said Rappaport.

At a glance, the high-grade money looks just like the real thing. But once you zoom in, the differences become obvious.
Instead of "United States Federal Reserve," the words under the "100" in the top left corner read "Unreal Fake Currency Reserve." The artwork of Franklin's face has been done from scratch, and doesn't have his name underneath it. The seal is a different design, and the two signatures actually read "I’m a Not Real" and "Not Real Currency" instead of the names of the Treasurer of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury. Nothing survives the scrutiny: even "United States" is spelled with a "W" instead of a "U."
以100美元为例,道具钞票左上角的“100”下面写的不是“联邦储蓄委员会”,而是“假钞货币委员会”。富兰克林的头像是重新绘画的,下面也没有标出他的名字。旁边的印章图案也和真钞不同,真钞上会印有美国财政部和财政部长的签名,而道具钞票则印有“我不是真钞”及“假钞”等字样。道具钞票上的任何元素都经不起推敲,甚至连“United States”的拼写都故意写错,把“U”写成了“W”。
One of the largest orders of prop money RJR has ever filled was for Neflix's "Ozark," in which a drug cartel lawyer, played by Jason Bateman, stashes large amounts of cash in the walls of his house and other locations.

Hollywood of the South
The Atlanta area, where RJR is based, has recently become a huge filmmaking capital, thanks to attractive tax credits, and has earned the nickname "Hollywood of the South." It boasts the largest purpose-built studio outside of Hollywood, Pinewood Studios, where "Avengers: Infinity War," and "Spider-Man: Homecoming" were both filmed.
To keep up with demand, RJR has about 30,000 different props other than money in stock, including everything from fake cocaine to space capsules (the latter used in the NASA drama "Hidden Figures.")

A large part of the business is music videos, which fuel a lot of the demand for fake money. "We get music video artists probably 20 times a week, which is really quite, quite a bit if you think about it," said Rappaport.
While most props are rented, money is almost always purchased. But does anybody in the business use real cash?
"Yes, actually there are a number of artists who use real money," Rappaport revealed. "But I can't say who uses real money and who uses fake money because it would be a security risk."

2020-01-17 17:16
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