2022-08-14 06:16:47 来源:
电子科技大学梁应敞教授、欧洲科学院外籍院士、 IEEE Fellow
科研成果:自2014年起被汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)(现为科睿唯安分析/Clarivate Analytics)认可为高度被引研究员。于2007年获得新加坡工程师学会的著名工程成就奖,2011年获得IEEE标准协会的杰出贡献奖,2014年IEEE车辆技术协会杰克·纽鲍尔纪念奖,2012年IEEE通信协会APB杰出论文奖,2018年获得IEEE通信学会认知网络技术委员会的认可奖,同时也是众多论文奖的获得者,包括2021年IEEE通信协会莱斯论文奖。还是IEEE期刊《通信选定领域!认知无线电系列》的创始主编,也是IEEE汇刊《认知通信与网络》的主要创始人和现任主编。还担任中国通信的副总编辑,同时是IEEE汇刊《无线通信》、《通讯精选领域》、《信号处理》、《车辆技术》和《网络信号与信息处理》的客座编辑或副编辑;也是《随机矩阵世界科学杂志!理论与应用》的副主编。
梁应敞教授,欧洲科学院外籍院、IEEE Fellow。现任电子科技大学智能网络与通信中心(CINC)教授。同时也是澳大利亚悉尼大学的教授,新加坡信息通信研究所的首席科学家和技术顾问,以及美国斯坦福大学的访问学者。梁应敞教授还是IEEE通信学会和IEEE车辆技术学会的杰出讲师。他是IEEE通信学会认知网络技术委员会主席,并担任TPC主席和IEEE Globecom’17的执行联合主席。
Professor Ying-Chang Liang, IEEE Fellow and Foreign Member of Academia Europaea University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), China。Ying-Chang Liang is currently a Professor with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China, where he leads the Center for Intelligent Networking and Communications (CINC)。 He was a Professor with The University of Sydney, Australia, a Principal Scientist and Technical Advisor with the Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, and a Visiting Scholar with Stanford University, USA。 His research interests include wireless networking and communications, cognitive radio, symbiotic communications, dynamic spectrum access, the Internet-of-Things, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques。
Dr。 Liang has been recognized by Thomson Reuters (now Clarivate Analytics) as a Highly Cited Researcher since 2014。 He received the Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award from The Institution of Engineers, Singapore, in 2007, the Outstanding Contribution Appreciation Award from the IEEE Standards Association in 2011, and the Recognition Award from the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks in 2018。 He is the recipient of numerous paper awards, including the IEEE Communications Society Stephen O。 Rice Prize in 2021, the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Jack Neubauer Memorial Award in 2014, and the IEEE Communications Society APB Outstanding Paper Award in 2012。 He is a Fellow of IEEE, and a foreign member of Academia Europaea。
He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS! COGNITIVE RADIO SERIES, and the Key Founder and now the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING。 He is also serving as an Associate Editor-in-Chief for China Communications。 He was a Guest/Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, the IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL AND INFORMATION PROCESSING OVER NETWORK。 He was also an Associate Editor-in-Chief of the World Scientific Journal on Random Matrices! Theory and Applications。 He was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society。 He was the Chair of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks, and served as the TPC Chair and Executive Co-Chair of the IEEE Globecom’17。
电子科技大学梁应敞教授、欧洲科学院外籍院士、 IEEE Fellow 研究方向:无线网络与通信、认知无线电、共生通信、动态频谱接入、
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